How to Manage Student Expectations

It will be useful to have a list of tasks, duties, or a work plan for the work experience placement. Be clear on the tasks you want the young person to carry out and the projects you want them to contribute to. It would be good to discuss their expectations at the pre-placement interview and explain what you can offer.

The work plan can be a standard template that is adapted for each candidate, so you don’t need to develop a new plan each time a work experience placement is hosted. However, it needs to be flexible and, while responding to your organisation’s needs, should also be tailored to the young person’s individual abilities.

Each work experience participant will be different, with varying skill levels and abilities. It is important to manage the young person’s expectations and ensure they have a realistic understanding of the tasks they will be carrying out during their placement.

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How to Manage Student Expectations

It is important to manage the young person’s expectations and ensure they have a realistic understanding of the tasks they will be carrying out during their placement.


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Meaningful Work Experience

"Meaningful work experience" is a structured, supervised opportunity that aligns with career goals and concludes with feedback from the employer. It ensures valuable learning and clear outcomes for both the student and employer.