- Introduce the young person to your company – the history, values, culture, brands, products, services and objectives
- Explain how the company is structured
- Introduce them to the people they will be working with
- Take them around the different work areas or departments; tell them where the coffee/water machines, kitchen and toilets are
- Talk them through the health and safety requirements (this is a legal requirement so don’t skip it!) And show them where the fire exits are. Example Health and Safety Induction
- Give each student a clear outline of the tasks they need to complete and tell them who will manage their day-
to- day supervision - Give the student a clear idea of how you expect them to dress and behave eg mobile phones, internet policy, maintaining confidentiality, data protection etc.
- Make sure they have the passwords that they need eg work station and system logon, entry door key code etc
- Limit the amount of information given to them on the first day
- Arrange for each student to have a ‘buddy’– having someone to talk to informally is great way to help a young person settle in